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We realize that you may feel overwhelmed about your visit. Rest assured that our doctors, nurses, therapists and healthcare professionals at Great Plains Regional Medical Center will do everything they can to care for you and your family. Below you will find the cost estimator and information about your right to a good faith estimate.
By accessing this information, you agree that it is intended solely for estimating your out-of-pocket expenses related to healthcare services at the chosen hospital. The services listed on this website are not exhaustive but rather comprise the most common inpatient and outpatient procedures. Should you have inquiries, please reach out to the hospital for estimates regarding additional services. It's crucial to note that the out-of-pocket estimates provided here are merely AN ESTIMATION and are valid only for today. They do not guarantee coverage, benefits, or payments. The accuracy of estimates depends on factors such as your chosen insurance and procedure, as well as your health insurance benefits (including deductible, out-of-pocket maximum, co-insurance, and copays) at the time of estimation. These estimates are based on actual claims under the hospital's contracted reimbursement rates with in-network health insurance providers. However, this website does not assure insurance coverage or payment for any procedure; such determinations are ultimately made by your health insurance provider. Actual costs may differ based on the specific procedure(s) undertaken, the benefits applicable at the time of the procedure(s), and the eligibility and coverage as determined by your health insurance provider. You may be responsible for expenses not covered by your health insurance. Furthermore, depending on the procedure selected, the out-of-pocket estimate may or may not encompass professional fees from physicians, anesthesiologists, radiologists, or other specialists. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that the hospital cannot be held liable for any disparities between the estimate and your final bill. Additionally, you understand that you may qualify for financial assistance or payment plans, and you are encouraged to contact the hospital for further details. Please note if you are searching charges by MS- DRGs (DRGs) the average charge for each DRG included in the DRG file/link does NOT include the following services.
GPRMC’s Emergency Department is staffed 24/7 by emergency medicine trained physicians and a staff of seasoned emergency/trauma nurses. Great Plains Regional Medical Center is designated as a paramedic-receiving facility where each patient who arrives is immediately met and triaged by an ER physician. We place the highest priority on our patients and want to exceed your expectations.